Friday Fictioneers – Catching a Wave

Every week, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (thank you, Rochelle!) hosts a flash fiction challenge, to write a complete story, based on a photoprompt, with a beginning, middle and end, in 100 words or less. Post it on your blog, and include the Photoprompt and Inlinkz on your page. Link your story URL. Then the fun starts as you read other peoples’ stories and comment on them!

FF - Catching a Wave 190529

PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Eames

Catching a Wave

The setting sun brightened the palm-trees and warmed Brad’s back as he sat straddling a branch and gazing out to sea.

“Yeah, it’s pretty dark on the horizon, but it’s calm here. No sign of the waves getting up. I just hope they hang fire until tomorrow.”

He listened to the reply from his cellphone and laughed.

“Quit worrying, Angie. The condo is eighteen metres above the sea; the forecast storm surge is nine metres. It won’t even be close.” He flipped his phone shut.

His eyes glowed. Surfing the surge of an onrushing hurricane would be the ultimate thrill.

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61 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Catching a Wave

    • Dear Rochelle
      Thank you for reading and commenting. You may well be right about Brad’s sense of adventure. On the other hand, he’s assessed the risk carefully – he knows the predicted storm surge, for example. I find people who are drawn to these pursuits fascinating.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Neil
      Thank you for reading and commenting. Yes, we all get our kicks in different ways – and I can think of several occasions in my own life when adventure might have finished me off prematurely! At least Brad has checked the surge height!
      With very best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Abhijit
      Thank you for reading and commenting. I think he’ll be okay in the condo, provided he survives surfing the waves of the storm surge that precedes the arrival of the hurricane!
      With best wishes,


    • Dear Sandra
      Thank you for reading and commenting. I agree about the magnetism of thrill seekers – but only when they have the skill to back-up their dare-devil attitude! And I completely agree about being in a safe place during a hurricane!
      With very best wishes


    • Dear CE
      Thank you for reading and commenting. Yeah, Brad’s pretty cool.
      Mind you, now I’m sitting here wondering what crazy things you’ve done…!
      With very best wishes


    • Dear Francine
      Thank you for reading and for your kind comments. I’m delighted you found the story gripping. I suspect that Angie is safe and several hundred miles away!
      With very best wishes


    • Dear Keith
      Thank you for reading and commenting. Paddling is as far as I go usually, although if the sea is really warm (the Aegean in summer, say) then I might swim a little!
      With very best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’ve met many adrenalin junkies, my brother being one. I remember leaving the Outer Banks in North Carolina due to the arrival of a big storm while surfers arrived at the shore with their boards. To each his own! Love the dialogue, Angie probably knows him better to think he’d retreat. =)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There’s taking risks and there’s being stupid. This one’s clearly up for the Darwin award. Great story telling, Penny. I can see the storm coming.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Margaret
      Thank you for reading and for your kind comment. You’re right – thrill seekers are always seeking the next wave – or mountain – or high building to jump off. I guess you feel very alive taking such challenges.
      With best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’d say he’s a bit of an idiot but having more recently met some surfers perhaps he really is clued up? An Asian female friend who surfs (unusual in itself she tells me) was surfing up until the day before her baby was born and then gave birth in a birthing pool.
    A strange tribe of people those surfers but I’m all for learning form other outlooks on life! Interesting story that got me thinking!


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