What Pegman Saw – Happy Anniversary

“What Pegman saw” is a weekly challenge based on Google Streetview. Using the location provided, you must write a piece of flash fiction of no more than 150 words. You can read the rules here. You can find today’s location on this page,  from where you can also get the Inlinkz code. This week’s prompt is Silver Bay, Minnesota.

WPS - Happy Anniversary 200316 02

Happy Anniversary

“Gotta stop a minute, take off this jacket.”

Dave nodded but didn’t copy. He felt chilled despite the knitted sweater under his wind-cheater.

Colin eyed him. “Sure you’re up to this?”

Dave pushed past and walked on. Colin shrugged.

The woods were full of birdsong.

“Saw a bald eagle once, hereabouts.” Dave tossed the remark over his shoulder.


“Don’t believe me, huh? Well, I know what I saw. A bald eagle.”

Dave stopped at the foot of a rough stone stairway.

“Catch my breath, boy,” he said.

“I’ll be right behind you, case you fall.”

Dave straightened his back, drew himself up and climbed the stairway without stopping. The waterfall roared a welcome. He looked down. The river bank below was full of holidaymakers enjoying the first sunshine of spring. Dave pointed at them.

“Seventy years ago today, from up here, I saw your Grandma for the first time.

6 thoughts on “What Pegman Saw – Happy Anniversary

    • Dear Josh
      Thank you for reading and commenting so kindly. I sprinkled the detail to show how the characters were slightly abrasive but that they shared a considerable fondness for each other.
      With very best wishes


  1. That all came through so clearly, Penny. That slightly abrasive way some people have with each other, the underlying affection too. Pitch perfect. And that last line – so lovely. Great little story

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Rochelle
    Thank you for reading and commenting so thoughtfully. I’m very pleased you feel the voice was right; I’m always apprehensive when I try to give some different flavour to dialogue.


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