Friday Fictioneers – Breaking the News

Every week, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (thank you, Rochelle!) hosts a flash fiction challenge, to write a complete story, based on a photoprompt, with a beginning, middle and end, in 100 words or less. Post it on your blog, and include the Photoprompt and Inlinkz on your page. Link your story URL. Then the fun starts as you read other peoples’ stories and comment on them.

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Breaking the News

As Rick and Tamara stood centre-stage, bowing, Rick’s mom beamed. What a lovely couple they made! They could marry in the church where her father had been Minister! After the show, she chattered all the way home.

“Mom! Can we stop? I’ve got something to tell you.”

She pulled over. “Won’t it wait?”

“Mom, I’m gay.”

“Oh, no, Honey!” She clamped both hands over her mouth.

Rick flushed crimson.

“My boyfriend’s called Dexter. May I introduce him to you on Sunday?”

Rick’s mom fidgeted, then nodded.

“Okay. Invite him to tea, only…” she hesitated, “let’s not tell Gramps yet. Please?”

Inlinkz – click here to join in!

56 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Breaking the News

  1. Dear Penny,

    All things considered, she took that very well for someone who was planning her son’s marriage to his leading lady. Hard for a heterosexual parent to take. My moment of truth came when one of my dearest friends came out. She’s happily married to her wife of ten years I think. MG’s not my own child, but the same age as my eldest son…so close. At any rate, a good story.



    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Rochelle
      Thank you for reading and for your kind comment. I’m glad your friend’s marriage is working out.
      I’m not sure I agree that Rick’s mom took the news well. I contrast it with her likely reaction had Rick said he was engaged to Tamara. Although, I agree that her response could have been much worse!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Neil
      Thank you for reading and commenting. Yes, she’s surprisingly understanding given her background – although her response seems less rosy if you compare it with how she would have welcomed the news had Rick’s attachment been to Tamara!
      With best wishes


  2. Apparently it had never been apparent to her in any way, or she just wasn’t seeing what she didn’t understand. I, too, think she gulped it back quite well, all things considered. From the description, she knew she’d muffed it and did her best to recoup.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Linda
      Thank you for reading and commenting so carefully. Yes, she knew she’d muffed it, and you’re right that she was startled by Rick’s revelation. She’s clearly trying to be as supportive as she can be – but I wonder how Rick feels?
      Life is messy, ain’t it?
      With very best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m thinking there is no easy way to break the news. One would think maybe sitting around the table and not in a car would be better. Plus, Mom was kind of putting the cart before the horse with her plans! All things considered, once over the shock, she did alright.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Dale
      Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful comments. As you say, there is no easy way to break the news. But parents can make it easier. Daphne and I (I was dad in those days) listened for when our kids started to show interest in romantic matters and then made sure that we made it explicit that straight or gay, boyfriend or girlfriend, would delight us equally.
      Mom in my story ‘did alright’ as you say. I’m crossing my fingers that her support doesn’t crumble in the face of the intense opposition that she will face from her father.
      With very best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

  4. There are better ways to respond, but then again, there are much worse ways, too … I know from relatives and friends who are gay, that even if the immediate reaction is not what they’d hoped for, they also understand that many times parents have to get their minds around the notion (and its realities) and may not respond in the optimal way even when they are loving, accepting, and want the best for their child. So, all told, she did reasonably well, I guess. Though follow up conversations and more robust support for him ‘against’ less understanding hearts, will probably be very important … Good handling of a difficult topic, Penny! There are so many stories of horrible reactions, shaming and dismissing and disowning and ignorant reactions … that this is on the mild-surprised-give-me-time-to-readjust-my-dreams-for-you side … 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Na’ama
      Thank you for reading and for your sensitive and thoughtful comments. I like your approach which deals with the realities of acceptance because that’s the productive way forward in many cases. I like the way you use quotation marks in the phrase – ‘against’ less understanding hearts – to acknowledge that usually the productive approach is not to battle against but to find ways of working with.
      But as a campaigner on the issue, I feel I want to pull the debate forward just a little. Parents should expect the possibility of a gay child and should be ready to love and support them. #loveislove!
      With very best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

      • Indeed! I agree that the debate is crucial, AND that parents today need to be prepared for this possibility the same way (I hope) they get prepared to have the ‘drugs talks’ and the ‘sex talk’ and the ‘birth control talk’ and the ‘I’m pregnant talk’ or any other potentially life-altering conversation that it part of supporting one’s children and having a curious yet open and accepting and knowledgeable stance. If someone is gay, they are gay, and yes, #LoveIsLove – parents (and friends and relatives) cannot pretend this is not part of a possible reality when a certain percentage of the population IS gay.
        I’m all with you on the bring-this-into-conversation platform.
        It is hard enough for those kids/youngsters without having to worry about rejection by their own loved ones for something that they ARE.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dale
      I’m not surprised you had no idea. If you don’t look for something, you won’t find it – and why the heck should you have been looking for anything of the sort? This condition is rare, perhaps 1 in 2,000. It’s very important that you don’t blame yourself, because there is no way you are to blame for the condition or for not spotting it.
      I really feel that I can offer some help here, and I would love to do so. I don’t mean in the form of advice – leave that to the professionals – but just by sharing my own story. But it really would be better done via personal email. The biggest no-no is to let others know of someone’s trans status, even if they have said they don’t mind. Life can be very, very tough as you come out, and it’s best the whole process is under the control of the trans person.
      With love

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Francine
      Thank you for reading and commenting so kindly. Sooner rather than later is good, on the whole, provided hat the response is likely to be reasonably supportive. Gramps may indeed surprise them – I hope so, anyway!
      With very best wishes


    • Dear Laurie
      Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful comment. Moms certainly do enjoy daydreaming about their children’s futures – dads do too, of course! But it’s early days for Rick and Dexter…
      With very best wishes


  5. I’m sure it was hard for Rick to let his mother know, and I do appreciate that she did recover and seemed to be trying to understand. Life is messy, certainly so. I think gramps will come around if he loves his grandson. Minds are not easily changed. Thank you for sharing this story, Penny. =)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Brenda
    Thank you for reading and commenting sympathetically. I hope the family can work through their issues, and come to a happy conclusion. It’ll be tough, though.
    With very best wishes


  7. Quite a shock for mom there! She seemed to take it really well after a moment though.

    PS – Completely unrelated Penny, but I wanted to mention that I somehow deleted your comment on my story while trying to reply. I’ve no idea how I did it, or how to undo it, but wanted to thank you for reading and for your comment.

    Sometimes WordPress does some funny things. idk.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Russell
      Thank you for reading and commenting. Yes, Mom was pretty shocked by Rick’s revelation. I’m glad she showed the beginnings of acceptance by agreeing to meet Dexter.
      Thanks for letting me know about the comment. As you say, WordPress does funny things sometimes!
      With best wishes

      Liked by 1 person

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