Friday Fictioneers – The Deal

Because I found the prompt very stimulating this week, I’m going to be greedy, and add another story. I’m also adding it because we’ve had many dark stories this week, and many that view the factory and industry as being inevitably linked to corporate greed. Of course, there is another point of view…

FF - factory - The Dare 170927

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

Genre: Historical fiction c1975

Word count: 100

“So, instead of scrapping my old steel drums, I send them to you to re-process, and then I can use them again?” Jim, boss of the local chemical plant, was sceptical.

“They’re good as new.” Don crossed his fingers. The furnace he used was dodgy; the jobs of six men hung on this deal. “Why don’t I buy you lunch?”

Over chili dogs and beer, Don explained how it would save Jim money.

“And it’s good for the environment.”

Jim nodded thoughtfully.

“It’s a deal.”

Don bought him a whisky. Now he just needed a bank loan to fix the furnace…

200 lire steel drums can be reworked by draining the contents, burning out the residues, re-forming, shot-blasting and repainting. This is slightly more cost effective than scrapping the drums, and it’s a lot better for the environment – provided the furnace is correctly designed and operated. It was also typically a small business where skilled staff were appreciated.


17 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – The Deal

  1. There have been a fair few depressing stories, haven’t there, Penny. 7 of the ten I wrote yesterday were so inclined. I think it is the bleakness of the picture. I am heartened by the spirit of humanity in your story. So nice to see someone wanting to put Christian values into his work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Kelvin
      Thank you for commenting. I’m not quite sure about Don putting Christian values into his work; I think he’s just a decent human being.
      The prompt is certainly a slightly bleak picture. However, I’m quite familiar with places like that from the work I did in my career. On the whole they’re safe, and staffed by friendly, hard-working people. Family businesses are quite often run with consideration for staff; it’s when multi-nationals get involved that profit starts to drive out human values.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, What Christine said. Early on, even though my own story was grim, I objected to the characterizing of capitalism as nothing but greed. Are there greedy capitalists? Of course, just as there are greedy progressives, socialists, communists.

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