Friday Fictioneers – New Life

Every week, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (thank you, Rochelle!) hosts a flash fiction challenge, to write a complete story, based on a photoprompt, with a beginning, middle and end, in 100 words or less. Post it on your blog, and include the Photoprompt and Inlinkz on your page. Link your story URL. Then the fun starts as you read other peoples’ stories and comment on them!


New Life

The last of the wagons rumbled to a halt, discharged its ore, and sat, dirty and empty.

The last of the ore spilled from the conveyor into the furnace with a gout of sooty sparks.

The last of the molten metal was cast and the ingots trucked out.

Two men secured the gates with thick chains and heavy padlocks, and drove away.

The site was left; it wasn’t worth salvaging.

A whippoorwill came. Fireweed flourished. Brambles straggled over the buildings. Saplings shaded the wagon tracks even as they destroyed them.

New life!

Nothing grew on the spoil tips.


Inlinkz – Click here to join the fun!

35 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – New Life

    • Dear Rochelle
      I’m blushing! Thank you for such fulsome praise. I guess the descriptions are true to life because I’ve seen a number of big industrial sites close. Nowadays in the UK we’re quite fierce about making companies clean up when they close, but that hasn’t always been the case.


  1. Oh man, I was reading a book set in/near a coal-mining town (the main character mercifully gets rescued by her aunt, but I was only about a third of the way in before I had to return it to the library, so I haven’t got much past the coal mine part.) It’s called Jolene by Mercedes Lackey. They were talking about this town called Duckworth, Tennessee. I had to look it up to see if it was that bad – and it was. At the same time, the main point is: there is magic (literally it is the 15th in a series about powerful magic users) in the world as an escape/critique of society/invitation to think of other ways of being and how people get stuck in these terrible situations. Anyway, you made me remember to go put that book on hold again! So much deep thoughts here all in such a compact space. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My mind, reading your story, floated off into imagining people from the far future exploring the ruins of today’s civilization, shaking their heads at what we thought was so inventive and would never die 🙂


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