What Pegman Saw – Payback time

“What Pegman saw” is a weekly challenge based on Google Streetview. Using the location provided, you must write a piece of flash fiction of no more than 150 words. You can read the rules here. You can find today’s location on this page,  from where you can also get the Inlinkz code. This week’s prompt is New Orleans, Louisiana.

WPS - Payback time 181020

Lafayette Cemetery, New Orleans, Louisiana | Save Our Cemeteris Jean Mensa Google Maps

Payback time

She was skinny, dirty, and bruised and obstructed his passage through the cemetery. Clark tried to walk past her but, without seeming to move, she still blocked his path. Clark swiped, casually, to knock her out of the way but his blow hit nothing.

He looked more closely; she seemed familiar.

“I was the first,” she murmured, so quietly that he could scarcely hear.

Another girl, perhaps fourteen years old, stepped out bringing the stench of decay. Clark gasped. He’d left this one in a garbage dumpster.

“You sold my body for sex and then you murdered me.” She whispered the words.

Fire crackled ahead of him, fierce and orange.

He bolted from it, but the flames were faster. All around him children stared, accusing; judging.

When his screams eventually stopped, his corpse lay between the tombs, contorted but unburned. The children sighed in unison – and gently turned to mist.

25 thoughts on “What Pegman Saw – Payback time

  1. very well done and I read your comment to Lynn – about how you do not write horror and you know Penny, this felt like classy horror – or not even horror – it was spooky and unnerving and more like a thrill as the moral here is revenge might happen naturally – he was reaping what he sowed – well that is my take

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lish
      Thank you for reading and For your kind comment. How fascinating that the last line should remind you of The Hound of the Baskervilles – I live right on the edge of Dartmoor where that story was set!
      With very best wishes


  2. Frightened to death! I thought perhaps he was already in hell, but what a spooky end to a human trafficker. Perhaps this could be the first of a series of tales, something like Dantes inferno, where you describe a fitting damnation for practitioners of todays wickedry. 😈. I like the sense of relief in the last sentence.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Andi
      Thank you for reading and commenting. The inspiration for this story was the scene in ‘Don Giovanni’ when the Commendatore appears from a tomb and drags Don Giovanni down to hell. Added to the mix was a news report about a gang of men who had groomed and exploited large numbers of vulnerable children over many years. That really does seem to me to be one of the worst of crimes, even worse than most murders.
      With very best wishes


    • Dear Karen
      Thank you for reading and commenting. You warned us that Pegman would focus on spooky locations for a few weeks, so I’ve been taking you seriously! So far it’s taken me into two genres that I’ve not really explored before. It’s fun, and is stretching my range, so thank you for the great prompts!
      With very best wishes


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